We strive to innovate, and to employ the cutting-edge technologies.
We strive to innovate, and to employ the cutting-edge technologies.
Our Projects

Historic Flight in AR Simulation
The aim is to contribute in raising the community awareness highlighting the importance of #Hazza_Mansouri mission by carrying out different tasks that are related to the rocket and spacecraft launching, living on the International Space Station - ISS and the return to Earth.
UAE Mission to Mars
A 3D game/Simulator, which is developed to support the UAE ultimate mission in exploring the planet Mars. We have gone through the UAE strategy in exploring the planet and decided to develop the game to execute explorations and inhabitance mission scenarios that will be exercised on the planet.
Family Tree
The solution is development for mobile phone and cross platform web, it would serve many users across the region with historical data of top families. The application provides hierarchy structure of families with timeline and geo data from history. The application developed in responsive and native IOS. The mobile apps in English & Arabic. The admin area provides capability to add families’ data for the web and mobile app. This form is protected with a login screen.

GIS Data Exploitation and Management
Developed iPad IOS GIS mobile app for Boundary Affairs Council with the offline capabilities to find the current location and add the XY coordinates by providing the locations. The IOS app having the below capabilities
- View layer by Switch on/off
- Add location in the map by entering coordinates
- Display the current location in the map
- Measure the distance in the map by drawing line and polygon